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Joining CYC In Harmony

Choir Fees - 2025

Choir membership - £45 per term.

This fee covers rental of the rehearsal space, purchase of new music, performance venues and Ticket & Marketing Printing.

Amateur Choir Licence membership - £10 per year.

All members are required to pay into the annual licence membership - this allows us to provide copies of the music to members.

We will provide scans of the music that you are required to print out bring with you to rehearsals.

Fees are always to be paid by the first rehearsal of the current term - If you have ANY issues making these payments, please reach out to a committee member - We are here to help :)

Current Term Dates - 2025


Jan - 10th and 24th

Feb - 7th and 21st

March - 7th and 21st

April - 11th

End of term


April - 25th

May - 9th and 23rd

June - 6th and 20th

July - 4th and 18th

End of term